Keywords: communication, discourse, integration, identity, interaction, aggression


The article is devoted to the analysis of the communicative turn in philosophy, which took place at the end of the 20th century, and its impact on the study of social, including international, relations. The main reasons and stages of this transition, which is also called the transition from the philosophy of subjectivity to the intersubjective (communicative) philosophy, are observed. In particular, the remarks of representatives of philosophical schools of the 19th and 20th centuries regarding the limitations of their functionality, especially in the field of ethics and the construction of balanced models of coexistence between people and various social groups, were noted. The main attention is paid to overcoming the methodological problems of previous doctrines by the representatives of western practical philosophy, which complicated the development of both social studies and other philosophical disciplines, for example, the theory of knowledge, because without communication, a person cannot fully master the language, and therefore get the way to knowledge. The focus is placed also on the relationship between the development and self-realization of the individual and his or her socialization within micro- and macro-groups, which occurs through communication with other representatives of them, as well as the important role of cultural and national identity in these processes. In particular, the influence of discursive practices, which began to actively develop in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity, on the transformation of our country into a democratic communicative field, which provides people, including those of non-Ukrainian ethnic origin, much more opportunities than the competing project of the “Russian peace” is demonstrated. At the same time, limitations in the possibilities of using communicative tools, which were demonstrated, for example, by Russian aggression against Ukraine, are also outlined. After all, attempts to establish a dialogue with those who purposefully come to destroy an entire nation and its cultural identity are hopeless until these intentions are rejected.


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