Keywords: memorial policy, institute of national memory, instruments of memorial policy, political process, historical policy, ideology, postmodernity, epistemology, epistemology, epistemology, culture, memory, war


The modern world is characterized by dynamic changes in the field of politics and history, where memorial politics occupies a special place. It acts not only as a means of preserving collective memory, but also as a tool for deconstructing traditional political systems. This article analyses in depth the cause-and-effect relationship between the development of memorial politics and the processes of deconstruction of political systems, emphasizing the importance of epistemological and epistemological aspects in scientific development. In the context of postmodernism, memorial politics plays a key role in shaping identity and power relations, offering a new perspective on the past and its impact on the present. The article examines how the manipulation of memory and the status of "victims" affects the political landscape, and how victimization and selective commemoration of historical events serve as tools for gaining power and influence. Particular attention is paid to the "Appeal from Blois", which opposes memorial politics and calls for the freedom of historical science. The author reveals how this document reflects concerns about the moralization of history and censorship, emphasizing the need for free research into the past. The article concludes with the conclusion that memorial politics and its interaction with political systems requires scholars to have a deep understanding of its epistemological and epistemological foundations. Such an approach allows not only to critically analyses historical narratives, but also to identify the ways in which memory shapes political reality, contributing to the development of a more conscious and responsible attitude to history.


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