Keywords: concept of «Intermarium», regional engagements of associations, interstate relations, sovereignty, national statehood


The study focuses on the concept of «Intermarium»/«Three Seas» and the possibility of Ukraine's participation in this initiative to strengthen and preserve national statehood. Focusing on the potential benefits that these geopolitical concepts can bring to Ukraine, the study identifies the possibility of increasing national statehood and the overall development of the country. Scientifically substantiated variable influence of associations of Central Europe on Ukraine and its ability to preserve the sovereignty of both domestic and foreign policy. The article considers a thorough analysis of the opportunities and risks associated with potential integration into various associations, and also assesses their consequences for the sovereignty of Ukraine. New prospects for Ukraine are analyzed through the active participation of Latvia in the «Three Seas». The scientific article highlights the participation of Greece at the 3SI- 2021 summit in Sofia, where Bulgaria actively proposed the involvement of Athens in the «Three Seas» because of the possible construction of a gas terminal. The key role of energy and cooperation in the gas sector became the basis for attracting non-member states. In addition, the work notes the possible participation of Finland, taking into account its geographical logic and the existing joint transport projects with the countries participating in the «Three Seas». Among the key initiatives covered in the article, in particular, are the plans for cooperation between the Ukrainian economy and the Intermarium within the Eurasian space, the development of a strategy for ensuring the security of the Black Sea and the search for new forms of cooperation between the universities of Central Europe. Such an approach, covered in the article, offers a way to intensify and expand Ukraine's cooperation with neighboring countries, causing positive changes in their perception of it. It is important for Ukrainian political elites to actively work on projects aimed at leadership among the countries of Central Europe. This involves the development of methods, values and spiritual and cultural foundations for creating the European identity of Ukrainians, preserving their own identity. Details are disclosed the advantages and limitations of membership in the European Union and NATO, as well as their impact on Ukraine's relations with Russia, Poland and Hungary. The main goal is to find out whether Ukraine can achieve full sovereignty without resolving all issues related to its ultimate status as a state. The study reveals a variety of prospects and alternatives for Ukraine in the context of further development and preservation of sovereignty, paying attention to various possible ways of development of the country.


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