The article is devoted to issues of the relevance of soft power as a strategic policy direction. The main feature of «soft power» is the country’s ability to shape world public opinion by popularizing its own values, national cultural traditions, achievements in the field of science and education. The traditional strategy of «soft power» is considered American. The main resource of America’s «soft power» is the attractiveness of American culture and the American way of life. America’s soft power, the ability to achieve goals through engagement and persuasion, is critical to effective foreign policy and successful global trade.The purpose of the article is to study the «soft power» of the USA as a strategic resource and a tool for influencing international processes. The methodological basis of the research is scientific empirical methods - collecting and comparing information, as well as complex methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The theoretical basis of the article is the work of domestic and foreign scientists. It was determined that the strategic areas of «soft power» for the US include cultural diplomacy, economic development through international trade and investment, and support for democracy and human rights. These approaches are aimed at increasing the influence and attractiveness of the United States on the world stage. It is noted that US «soft power» is often considered an important component of international processes. Through elements such as culture, values, and diplomacy, the US can convince others of its methods of persuasion without the use of force or coercion. Typically, the US uses its soft power to develop relationships, foster cooperation, and advance its goals on the global stage. Thus, as a result, in the era of globalization and increased global competition of forces, the toolkit of «soft power» is now an important component of the country’s foreign policy power, this power is recognized as the modern equivalent of a great power. Today, «soft power» is paramount to global social, political, economic, and cultural endeavors. They create a new political system that depends on networks whose meaning cannot be falsified.
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