The article analyses modern social technologies and strategies for the adaptation and socialisation of youth and adults with ASD and proposes a pilot project of comprehensive rehabilitation social services. The additional challenges of the war in Ukraine bring unpredictability, additional social and pragmatic difficulties, increasing the level of stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and uncertainty for people with ASD and their families, which can lead to regression and exacerbation of negative psycho-emotional states, loss of acquired skills. Ongoing comprehensive adaptation and socialisation based on intensive training in various types of physical activity, game sports, occupational therapy and everyday socialisation (self-care skills, household chores, daily living), even with reduced cognitive function in adulthood, can significantly improve the quality of life of people with ASD and the quality of life of their families. The developed pilot project of the model of comprehensive adaptation and socialisation of people with ASD can become the basis for a grant application to open a Centre for Comprehensive Adaptation and Socialisation of People with ASD or be used in the implementation of other projects, the formation of group and individual educational models of comprehensive support and improvement of the lives of people with autism. The operations of such a centre can become a platform for developing personalised methods and programmes for further widespread implementation in the network of educational and rehabilitation institutions, training a reserve for the Special Olympics, and improving assisted living social services.
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