Keywords: emotionality, competence, emotional competence, emotional intelligence, professional success, personality


On the basis of the theoretical analysis of modern scientific psychological literature on the problem of emotional competence, the essence of the concept of “emotional competence of the individual” has been clarified, and the requirements that society puts forward for the implementation of professional activities in the socio-economic sphere of activity have been defined. The article cites the latest advances in the field of neuroscience, including research related to the features of emotion, mind, and brain functioning, contributing to the development of emotion theory. This, in turn, allows for a deeper study of cognitive processes and brain mechanisms, while simultaneously revealing new aspects of human emotionality. Modern scientists claim that emotions are formed due to the complex interaction of different systems throughout the brain, and that this process can change under the influence of learning and life experiences of a person throughout his life. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of emotional competence as a phenomenon of modern psychology. The main aspects of the problem of emotional competence and emotional intelligence are considered as factors of success, increasing productivity, improving the quality of life and functioning in society. Emotional competence is defined as the ability to be aware of one’s emotions and the emotional states of other people. The level of this competence can be an indicator of the quality of emotional life. It includes the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for an adequate response to various situations based on a comprehensive analysis of information. Emotional competence enriches personal experience, facilitates quick analysis of complex emotional situations and is a key success factor in various spheres of life. Future scientific research in the field of emotional competence may lead to the development of new methods and strategies for shaping and improving the emotional sphere of the individual, including the management of emotions. The obtained results can reveal important aspects that can be used during the creation of effective programs of psychological training of employees in various fields of activity. This, in turn, can contribute to increasing the professional competence of specialists.


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