Keywords: youth, upbringing, current values, Decalogue, commandments, ethnopedagogy, education


The article deals with the issue of psychotherapy of young people in the context of the formation of relevant values. The issues of building counselling on the basis of the analysis of Bible parables and creating a fairy tale are raised. The approach of ethnopedagogues to the importance of fairy tales is studied and the main stages of fairy tale creation are structured. The purpose of the article is to reveal the model of a map of the worldview of Ukrainian youth, to highlight the actual values of young people in order to determine further pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for correlating data. The task is to identify the key positions of current youth values, to develop a model of its influence on the structure of the psyche of a young person, to determine the relationship of the mental map with the pedagogical, psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual foundations of the development of Ukrainian society. The methods of the study are theoretical (analysis and synthesis of research results on this issue), systemic, functional, and specific sociological. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the influence of fairy tales on the child’s consciousness as a Bible on the life of an adult. The influence of the family’s worldview on the formation of psychosomatic diseases of young people is considered. The relationship between stressful situations in the context of forced migration, genderbased violence and the deterioration of the condition of young people is studied. The structure of the triune motivation and construction of a human life scenario is developed. Comparative analyses of the biblical commandments and the system of adapting their meaning throughout a person’s life are carried out. The system of the most relevant fairy tale images is analyzed. In conclusion, the author comes to the thesis that due to the emphasis on three positions out of thirty-one, a young person exposes himself to the process of degradation, a decrease in the interest of the individual, distancing him from society and active work, devaluation of his own self and the emergence of various affective manifestations or the development of depressive episodes, a decrease in the level of involvement in the social process, educational activities.


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