Keywords: theoretical approaches, professional self-determination, formation, professional plans, objects of study


The article highlights theoretical approaches to understanding the concepts of “professional self-determination” and “professional plan” of the objects of study, explains their interrelation. The essence of professional self-determination of the objects of training as a dynamic process, which consists in the transition from impulsive decision-making on the choice of the future process to real self-determination, which can be realized only with a qualitative analysis of both the practical possibilities of their activities and their own internal resources, is revealed. It is noted that the professional plan specifies the self-determination of the objects of study, gives it an active and purposeful character. It specifies the self-determination of the cadet’s personality, gives it an active and purposeful character, so it can be considered as an incentive for the development of the cadet’s personality as a future officer. The emerging professional plans and longterm goals of the cadet usually do not correlate with the level of mastery of the means necessary to achieve them, which creates the basis for internal contradiction and personal and professional development. Its resolution stimulates the development and correction of new needs and plans. Professional plans of cadets are a means of realizing their professional goals, their specification in chronological and content aspects. They define the course of action necessary for the cadet to realize professional goals as the main guidelines for the future (motives for professional growth and military career, etc.). However, the cadets’ professional plans are not limited to the rational definition of their main tasks and goals, but usually contain a dynamic image of the desired professional future: the cadet models and re-enacts certain situations after completing certain tasks, imagines himself in the future as a military officer of a certain qualification.


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