The appropriate level of economic development of the state depends on a significant number of factors, including political, military and social factors. An important place among them is the informational factor. After all, in modern conditions, the availability of reliable data on actual economic phenomena, processes, indicators, plans and capabilities of other states (partner countries, competitor countries, neutral countries, transnational corporations, as well as aggressor states) makes it possible to develop a strategy and tactics for ensuring national economic interests at the state level. Obtaining information in the economic sphere is especially relevant for Ukraine, which, due to a number of circumstances, found itself in a difficult economic situation. The article defines the list and content of the principles of intelligence activity in the economic sphere, which should be regulated at the legislative level. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the principles of intelligence activity in the economic sphere are the basic rules that its subjects must follow when performing the tasks assigned to them in order to obtain information of an economic nature. The following principles of intelligence activity are subject to be enshrined at the legislative level: legality (the rule of clear and consistent compliance by subjects of the intelligence community with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine); independence from other than state interests; accountability and control to state bodies defined by law; continuity (way to perform intelligence activities continuously, regardless of circumstances and time, as well as the impossibility of terminating the powers of an intelligence agency without transferring them to another state structure). The specified principles should apply to all types of intelligence activities, in particular in the economic sphere.
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