Keywords: information war, hybrid conflict, disinformation, propaganda, cyber operation


Hybrid conflicts, which have become an integral part of modern geopolitical reality, significantly change the rules of warfare, making the informational component one of the most important aspects of the struggle for superiority. In the modern world, information wars have become a powerful tool of geopolitical influence and manipulation of public consciousness and public opinion. Information war differs from traditional forms of war in that it is not limited to the physical destruction of the enemy, but is aimed at undermining morale, changing the political course, destabilizing the social situation or changing worldview. This makes it particularly effective in the context of hybrid conflicts, where physical confrontation may be minimal or absent. The article examines the role of information warfare in the context of hybrid conflicts, where traditional military actions are supplemented by a complex of non-linear methods of influence, such as economic sanctions, political pressure, cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns and propaganda. Key strategies and methods of conducting information wars, their influence on public opinion, state institutions and international relations are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the study of examples from modern international practice, in particular, the role of information campaigns in conflicts in the post-Soviet space. Approaches to countering information attacks in the context of national security protection are also considered. In addition, the methods of identifying and neutralizing disinformation are analyzed, as well as measures to increase media literacy of the population as one of the important factors in countering the manipulation of public opinion. The role of state institutions, media and civil society in the fight against information attacks is considered. The article examines both technical and social approaches used to protect society from manipulation and misinformation. Advanced technologies are analyzed, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, as well as cyber security methods for detecting and preventing information attacks. Strategic approaches contributing to effective response to new challenges of information wars are discussed.


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