Keywords: Arctic, geopolitical order, militarization, ‘deterrence’ geostrategy, confrontational model


This article is dedicated to the study of the current geopolitical order in the Arctic, the relations between Arctic states, and the processes of geopolitical confrontation in the region. The natural resource potential of the Arctic region is increasingly significant in the global economy. With climate change, the importance of transportation routes in the Arctic Ocean is growing. At the beginning of the 21st century, circumpolar states began to assert claims to expand the boundaries of their continental shelves. Competition among Arctic states for control over strategic natural resources and prospective transportation routes is intensifying. Regional institutions for international cooperation, particularly the Arctic Council, lack sufficiently effective means to protect regional security, ensure an effective regional regime, and address pressing issues. Russia's geostrategy in the Arctic is aimed at expanding its geopolitical space, increasing up its military capabilities, economic development of Arctic territories, and securing sole exploitation of the Northern Sea Route. China is interested in implementing the ‘Polar Silk Road’ project and seeks to enhance its role in the economic development of the Arctic. Relations between the RF and other Arctic states sharply deteriorated following Russia's aggression against Ukraine in 2022. NATO states are boosting their military capabilities in the Arctic region and are jointly implementing a geostrategy of ‘deterrence’ against Russia. NATO's geostrategic positions in the region have significantly strengthened as a result of Finland and Sweden joining the Alliance. Western states are capable of intensifying regional cooperation in political, economic, legal, and other spheres. The contemporary geopolitical order in the Arctic is most accurately reflected in a confrontational model. Geopolitical rivalry and the militarization of the Arctic have led to the disruption of the regional regime.


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