The development of the digital society is directly related to the development of social media, as they have become the main source of information and its dissemination. Since inception, they have turned into a powerful tool of political communication, influencing the formation of public opinion, the mobilization of the public and political movements, as well as the democratization process in the modern state. The purpose of the article is to reveal and characterize the main stages of social media development. The defined goal requires disclosing the prerequisites for the emergence of social media, as well as identifying and characterizing the stages of their development. The results of the study proved that since their appearance, social media have undergone a significant evolution, turning into an integral part of modern society. The history of social media dates back to the first commercial online services, such as CompuServe and electronic bulletin board systems (BBS). The first real social networks appeared in the late 1990s, such as Six Degrees and others, which allowed users to create profiles, add friends and keep personal blogs. As the use of the Internet expanded in the 2000s, the number of social networks and platforms grew significantly, including Friendster, MySpace, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. At the same time, the way people communicate and share information is changing significantly. In the 2010s, new platforms emerged (Instagram and TikTok, among others) that focus on sharing visual content and interactivity. The 2010s saw the emergence of new platforms, including Instagram and TikTok, which focus on sharing visual content and interactivity. Social media are now an integral part of everyday life, influencing personal communication, media as a whole, business, politics and other areas. Today, they continue to evolve, integrating more and more technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality, also remaining a dynamic and influential element of modern society.
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