Keywords: memory policy, historical policy, memorial policy, European identity, legislative initiatives, political process, reconciliation policy, politics of forgetting, European states


The article examines the evolutionary changes in national and European memory policies, from the concept of ‘forgetting’ to ‘memory culture’, taking into account different historical and political contexts. Initially, the focus is on post-colonial issues in the countries of the former European empires, such as France, Belgium and Germany, and legislative initiatives to recognise colonial crimes and provide reparations to victims. European institutions have actively supported this policy of reparations, calling on member states to publicly apologise and return artefacts stolen during the colonial period. At the same time, Spain has taken a particular approach to memory policy, focusing on its own painful past - the civil war and Franco's dictatorship. The 2007 Historical Memory Law and the 2022 Democratic Memory Law were important steps in recognising and providing reparations to victims of political violence. However, the implementation of these laws faces resistance from right-wing parties and heterogeneity in regional policies. The study also highlights the importance of recognising and criminalising communist crimes in Eastern European countries such as the Czech Republic and Lithuania. These countries have adopted legislation that classifies the crimes of communist regimes as crimes against humanity, reflecting their process of decommunisation. An important aspect of the article is the global context of transitional justice, including the experience of Latin America and Europe. The study emphasises that transitional justice processes do not end with the restoration of democracy, but are an ongoing project that encompasses various aspects of historical memory.The memory laws in Europe show a new approach to the resolution of conflicts and political violence.They not only focus on ending conflicts, but also include judicial rehabilitation and commemoration of victims.For example, in Spain, new laws on memory emphasise the importance of recognising historical injustices and restoring justice through reparations and rehabilitation mechanisms for victims of the dictatorship.Thus, the article highlights the complex process of shaping memory policies in Europe, reflecting the diversity of approaches and challenges in different countries and their impact on contemporary European identity.


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