Keywords: intersectoral interaction, civil society, political institutions, European integration, EU enlargement policy, institutional effectiveness, post-Soviet transformation


The article examines the place of interaction between state, public and business institutions in the process of Ukraine's integration into the EU. The main principles of the interaction of the state, civil society and business in European states, the origins of intersectoral cooperation after independence and their features in the context of overcoming the post-authoritarian legacy of limitations and formal participation of the third sector in any state-building processes are studied. The main directions, achievements and relevance of such cooperation, its features at the current stage are clarified. Intersectoral interaction was ineffective due to limited institutional and financial opportunities for civil society to influence decision-making, as well as due to informal, often destructive, mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and representatives of big business. Most often, the cooperation of the state, the public, and business was intensified during crisis moments in the history of Ukraine. In such periods, the public sector showed higher flexibility and adaptability, and therefore compensated for the weakness of the state, acting as a catalyst for progressive changes. An indisputable achievement is the formed regulatory framework for the involvement of public organizations in general in state management and in the promotion and control of European integration processes in particular. Recommendations were formulated for deepening intersectoral cooperation in the field of European integration, in particular further development of a network of influential and effective public organizations, more active involvement of independent business representatives in the financing and support of state and public projects, stimulation of cooperation in specific areas of social life, as well as at the regional and local levels.


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