The study is dedicated to examining the role of cinema in shaping historical memory and its impact on Polish-Ukrainian relations in the context of World War II and the postwar period. One of the main challenges addressed is the divergent national narratives depicted in films, which have the potential to exacerbate interstate conflicts. The author explores how cinema influences public perception of historical events and contributes to the formation or distortion of collective memory, using the mentioned conflict as a case study. The research is grounded in the theoretical framework of constructivism and Alison Landsberg's concept of «prosthetic memory,» which explains how individuals can integrate others' experiences into their own identity through media, including film. The findings indicate that cinema can serve as a tool of political influence, constructing or reconstructing historical memory and altering perceptions of other nations. In Poland, documentary films are actively used to shape state memory policies. In contrast, the development of national cinema in Ukraine has been slower, partly due to the legacy of the Soviet past and the oversaturation of the media space with Russian content, which diminished only after 2014. An example of cinema's role in escalating conflict is Wojciech Smarzowski's film «Wołyń» («Volhynia»), which portrays Ukrainians in a negative light, leading to increased tensions between the countries. Meanwhile, Ukrainian film projects like «The Century of Yakiv» aim to present a more balanced view of historical events or distance themselves from contentious narratives. The study also examines films that facilitate dialogue between the nations, such as «The Border: Hrubieszów Operation» and «The Grandfather’s Orchard,» which seek to overcome stereotypes and foster mutual understanding. The research emphasizes the importance of a responsible approach to filmmaking, as cinema can not only inform but also shape public attitudes and interstate relations.
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