This study examines the evolution of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) through the lens of resilience concept. The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine dramatically exacerbated security challenges in the region, underscoring a significant mismatch between the EaP’s initial objectives of building a peaceful and orderly neighborhood and the escalating security threats. Employing a tripartite resilience framework of absorption, adaptation, and transformation, this research assesses the evolvement of Eastern Partnership. Following the given three-fold methodological frame the study examines the resilience of the Eastern Partnership policies through the regulatory framework, including recent bilateral developments between the EU and the Eastern European Partner countries. The EU’s foreign policy regulatory resilience framework serves as the analytical lens. Findings indicate that regardless of enduring severe stress, the EaP has exhibited limited policy adjustments. The regional coherent approach initially contradicted to eclectic nature of EaP participants, their priorities and needs. Ongoing and frozen conflicts, primarily instigated by Russia, have destabilized the region and compromised security. Despite acknowledging these security challenges, the Eastern Partnership’s policy framework has consistently overlooked them in policy programming. The Eastern Partnership’s potential for multilateral cooperation is hampered by the lack of a durable institutional foundation to support its objectives. This paper concludes by advocating for a fundamental shift in the EaP to prioritize the region’s pressing security challenges and foster enduring resilience. The EU’s foreign policy, particularly its Eastern Neighborhood strategy, is increasingly driven by existential threats rather than geopolitical ambitions. Despite the region’s formidable challenges, true resilience can be attained by transforming the Eastern Partnership into a robust institutional multilateral framework.
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