Keywords: digital diplomacy, information and communication technologies, foreign policy, state image, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


The article analyzes one of the smallest states of the European Union – the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The role of Luxembourg in the formation of international policy is emphasized, in particular, the ability of this state to build the regional policy of Europe and at the same time take into account its own interests. The works of researchers who devoted their work to the study of the politics of the Grand Duchy are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the features of image formation of this European state and the role of information and communication technologies, which are actively involved in diplomatic practice today, is emphasized. The peculiarities of the use of digital diplomacy and its key tools, which are actively used in the international arena, are analyzed. It is noted that digital diplomacy as a direction of public diplomacy (“soft power”) contributes to the formation of a positive image of the state, which actively involves modern information and communication technologies, which contribute to the spread of messages about the state in the international arena. Digital diplomacy tools such as web pages of government structures, embassies, consulates, various social networks, electronic embassies, and platforms actively used by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the wide variety of social networks, which form their messages according to the state to which the messages are distributed. It is the adaptation of the message to the state to which the information is distributed that contributes to its better perception. Attention is drawn to the fact that Luxembourg was the first country in the world to open an e-embassy and continues to support ideas regarding the digitalization of diplomatic activity. Special attention is focused on the established relations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg with Ukraine. The latest agreement between our states on the protection of Ukraine’s cyberspace and assistance provided by Luxembourg on security issues were mentioned.


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