Keywords: social intelligence, disorders of intellectual development.


The problem of the development of social intelligence of children with intellectual disabilities as a main factor of their successful socialization is relevant and significant. The goal of the research is to define the age peculiarities of the formation the social intelligence of personality with disabilities of intellectual development. In modern foreign and domestic scientific space, psychologists and teachers studied different aspects of the problem of the development of personality’s social intelligence. Their scientific research concerned personalities of different age with disabilities of the intellectual development and with normal intellectual development. Trying no to change the scientific positions of psychologists and teachers in the conducted and given theoretical analysis there have been appealed to the terms used by them. The theoretical analysis of recent research and publications in the field of psychological and pedagogical science has enabled the following conclusions. Modern foreign and domestic scientists studied certain aspects of the problem of the development of social intelligence of personality with disabilities of the intellectual development and with normal intellectual development at different age stages. According to the results of a study of primary school age, it was found that, compared with peers with normal intellectual development, second-graders and fourth-graders with intellectual disabilities are characterized by a low level of differentiation and integration of interpersonal cognition. According to the results of the study of middle school age, it was found that the social intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities facilitates their orientation in situations of interpersonal interactions. Low levels of social intelligence in such adolescents can be combined with a high level of their aggression, as well as deviant behavior. According to the results of a study of senior school age, it was found that high school students with intellectual disabilities have a practical level of social intelligence. However, regardless of the formation of this level of social intelligence and the conditions of upbringing, the full adaptation of this category of high school students in society is hindered by their social immaturity.


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