Keywords: gender sensitivity, gender stereotypes, gender asymmetry, gender equality, career guidance work, model.


The article is about the problem of practical implementation of the gender sensitive approach in the system of career guidance work of the medical professional college, the conditions of its realization are singled out and characterized. The subject of research is a model as a method of forming a gender sensitive educational environment in career guidance work. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and determine the components of the model of gender sensitivity formation in career guidance work and experimentally test the logic and structure of the implemented model. The logic and structure of the implemented model are traced by applying a set of methods adequate to the subject of research: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, comprehension and generalization of theoretical positions) and empirical methods (method of modeling, questionnaires, observation). The levels of students’ readiness to form a gender sensitive environment and the essence of the activities of ambassadors, participants of the project «Ambassadors of the Future», are measured. Participants of the project «Ambassadors of the Future» promote conscious choice of a profession free of gender stereotypes and the essence of gender sensitive activities in working with young people to expand their potential. Emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of educational and career guidance activities as active cooperation with specialized public organizations that support gender equality and non-discrimination in society (implementation of joint educational and social project initiatives, mass actions, etc.).


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