Keywords: adaptation, professional self-determination, self-awareness, self-esteem, abilities, career.


Problem statement: Transformational processes inherent in the economic and political life of Ukrainian society significantly affect the employment process of young people. Today, the main factor of social mobility of young people is the profession, because in a post-industrial society, where the development of advanced technologies leads to serious changes in the organization of work, graduates of higher education institutions need a high level of training and skills. As a result, the problem of career guidance work with young people becomes relevant and acute. Previous research has shown that only 10 % of high school students adequately assess their capabilities and are serious about choosing a future specialty. In most cases, the motives for choosing a profession were as follows: 25 % of students choose a profession on the advice of friends; 17 % on the advice of parents; 10 % of students choose a profession under the influence of the media; others are guided by interest in the content of labor The aim of the study is to determine the influence of social-psychological and personal factors on the process of professional adaptation of students majoring in “Social Work” and “Psychology” at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Conclusions and prospects for further research. So, as we can see from the above results, the number of students with low adaptive abilities is close to the number of freshmen who answered that their choice of future profession was random. We were also able to partially confirm the hypothesis that individuals who have chosen a profession, guided by interest in the content of work and careful analysis of their capabilities, adapt much faster to the environment and learning conditions.


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