Keywords: cognitive activity, personality of a preschool child, speech disorders, self-esteem, anxiety.


Modern requirements for the development of personality in the early stages of ontogenesis provide for its diverse enrichment: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and communicative, and others. A significant place in this process is occupied by the child’s speech development, which in preparation for the reform of preschool education is formed into a holistic effective system that should successfully solve the problem of combining speech development and stimulating cognitive activity in different social and psychological-pedagogical situations. But, despite the sufficient number of studies of the speech sphere of personality in the Ukrainian psychological science, the issues of studying the cognitive activity of children with speech disorders remain out of the attention of scientists. This direction is especially important because a number of scientists emphasize that the development of speech is closely linked with the formation of the most important mental functions: sensation, perception, memory, attention, imagination, and through the stimulation of speech develops thinking and such important competencies as the ability to awareness and expression of the perceived, etc. Thus, the importance of the problem of development of cognitive activity of children with speech disorders at different stages of preschool age is relevant and practically significant. The purpose of the article: to identify the level of development of cognitive activity of children with speech disorders and different stages of preschool age. The objectives of the study at the ascertaining stage were: to investigate the levels of development of cognitive activity of children of junior, middle and senior preschool age with speech disorders; identify levels of cognitive activity of children with speech disorders. Object of research: the personality of a preschool child with speech disorders. Subject of research: features of cognitive activity of preschool children with speech disorders. The results of empirical research have shown that preschool children with speech disorders have a low level of cognitive activity (for all tasks assigned to children). Based on the results, we assume that special attention on the background of the correction of speech disorders should be paid to the formation of the emotional component of cognitive activity of children; to form perception; expand the range of external and internal cognitive actions.


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