Keywords: forensic psychological examination, affect, affective sphere, stress, mental activation, discomfort.


Forensic psychological examination as a special procedural action, clearly regulated by law, the main purpose is to obtain an expert opinion. Examination is carried out in situations when there is a need to apply highly specialized psychological knowledge to address issues that arise during the investigation of a crime. Of particular importance is the psychological analysis of the psychophysiological state of the subject, as the examination of the states of affect and all related procedural actions are extremely complex. The purpose of the article is to reveal some specific aspects of the organization of expert research on the psychological propensity to experience affect. Object of research: psychophysiological basis of the emotional sphere of personality. Subject of research: features of expert research of the affective sphere of personality. The interest of law enforcement agencies in the SPE of the psychological state of a person at the time of the offense is caused by the fact that many serious crimes related to physical violence are committed in a state of so-called strong emotional excitement caused by wrongdoing. If the fact of a person being in a state of strong emotional excitement during the period under study is established, then his actions entail a significant mitigation of liability. Using Student’s t-test, significant differences were found between the control and experimental groups in terms of mental activation, interest, emotional tone, tension, comfort. The experimental group is dominated by states: mental activation, emotional tone and comfort, in the control — more represented interest and tension. In addition, statistically significant differences between subgroups of men (and between experimental and control groups in general) were found for all emotional states, but no statistically significant differences were found between subgroups of women for “comfort”. Based on the obtained data, we can assume that the experimental group (a group of people who are psychologically prone to experiencing affect) has a high level of mental activation, emotional tone and comfort.


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