Keywords: well-being, personality, comfort, harmony, pleasure.


Psychological well-being is traditionally considered in the context of the problem of quality of life as its subjective component, the systemic quality of a person, which it acquires in the process of life; generalized and relatively stable experience, which is of particular importance for the individual; a person’s own attitude to his personality, life and processes that are important to him in terms of learned normative ideas about the external and internal environment; tolerance, as an integral psychological indicator of human life, reflecting the value aspects of his attitude to various spheres of his life, through a meta-implicative model of motivation to choose, which includes ideas about the well-being of the individual in relationships with the environment; the complex interplay of cultural, social, psychological, physical, economic, and spiritual factors. Science has studied the social and ontogenetic aspects of subjective well-being. However, despite the importance of this issue, science lacks a theoretical understanding of the subjective well-being of future psychologists, the links between the internal components of subjective well-being and its main psychological determinants are not identified. Thus, the theoretical and empirical data accumulated by modern psychological science on the subjective well-being of the individual can serve as a starting point in the initiated research. The purpose of the article is to give a generalized phenomenon of the current state of views on the psychological well-being of the individual on the basis of a theoretical analysis of modern research in psychological science. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of personal well-being, which is the object of study of psychology, sociology, philosophy and other sciences that study various aspects of human life. Well-being is considered in terms of its internal structure — cognitive, emotional and motivational-behavioral components. Well-being depends on the presence of clear goals, the success of the implementation of action plans and behavior, the availability of resources and conditions to achieve goals. Well-being — a concept that expresses a person’s own attitude to his personality, life and processes that are important in terms of learned normative ideas about the external and internal environment and characterized by a sense of satisfaction.


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