Keywords: sex, sexuality, sexual behavior, sexual relations, personality, gender and gender differences, sexuality and love.


In the article analyzes modern conceptual approaches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of psychology to the study of human sexuality. The purpose of the article is to identify, generalize and reveal current trends and conceptual approaches to the study of human sexuality. Modern researches of the phenomenon of human sexuality in foreign and domestic scientific literature, in the following aspects are presented: philosophical and sociocultural; biological; medical and sexological; general psychological; sexual and gender relations; sexual attitudes; sexuality and love. It is shown that there is a certain deficit of psychological research on the phenomena of sexual health, sexual satisfaction of the individual. It is argued that in the general psychological context, sexuality is a complex, multifaceted, interdisciplinary, unique formation for each person, which is manifested not only in intersex relations and is designed not only for procreation, but human sexuality is defined as meeting physiological, social, psychological needs. Important current trends in the study of human sexuality are that the change in attitudes toward the body in modern cultures towards greater interest in it promotes greater interest in emotionality, which increases the value of self-disclosure and the benefits of emotional sensitivity in interpersonal relationships; emancipation, changes in gender and role norms and gender stereotypes make certain traditional ideas about the nature of sexuality problematic and at the same tame contribute to the development of different styles of sexual life and the development of personality.


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