Keywords: psychology, emotional competence, emotions, adaptation, personality.


In the article an author is carry out the short analysis of psychological sources from the study of problem of emotional intellect. On the basis of theoretical analysis generalized given in relation to the features of emotional intellect, that includes ability to watch the own feelings and feelings of other people, distinguish them and use this information for a management thinking and activity. The basic theoretical and experimental achievements of scientific researches that touch the aspects of problem of emotional intellect are outlined. Scientific and methodological, domestic and foreign sources on special pedagogy and psychology are systematized. Theoretical analysis of the problem of emotional intelligence suggests that EI in general is considered as a cognitive-personal education with the most pronounced cognitive component, as a set of mental abilities to understand and manage emotions, as well as knowledge, skills, operations and strategies of intellectual activity. associated with the processing and transformation of emotional information. Theoretically, it has been found that students with intellectual disabilities have an immaturity of the emotional sphere and primitive emotional response. The obtained data are the basis for the development of a system of measures aimed at the successful adaptation of these children to society and will contribute to the effective acquisition of emotional competence. Thus, it can be argued that the problem in question is relevant in several respects: theoretical, because, as noted above, it is underdeveloped, social — since human civilization may be in a state of self-destruction if the emotions are further considered. as opposing the mind, as being inaccessible to conscious control and regulation, in psycho-pedagogical — if on the basis of experimental study of the peculiarities of the course of emotional processes and states and stable properties of the personality not scientifically substantiated approaches to the targeted formation in training and education emotional reasonable business training.


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