The article examines the process of the emergence and development of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «emotional intelligence » in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. The features of the specifics of the formation of this term in the countries of the USA, Europe and the states of the post-Soviet space are highlighted. The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of «emotional intelligence » and identify the specifics of approaches to its interpretation in world psychology. Achievement of this purpose required the following tasks: to consider the concept of «emotional intelligence»; analyze and generalize the content of interpretations of the concept under consideration and identify the specifics of its development in psychology; identify existing methods for determining the indicator of emotional intelligence and assess their effectiveness. A scientific article is a generalized systematic study. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made: the concept of «emotional intelligence» is relatively new, but questions about the relationship between mind and emotions have been of interest to people since ancient times. In fact, every era in the development of mankind was characterized by ideas related to the relationship between cognitive and sensory, but only at the end of the 20th century. the term «emotional intelligence» was formulated and gained wide popularity in world psychology. Three decades later, we can say that the concept has passed a certain evolutionary path and today is one of the most discussed categories. In the XXI century. The level of Emotinal Intelligence has become an important characteristic of the modern personality and reliable worker, therefore, a lot of research and development of tests for determining EI is devoted to this topic. Nevertheless, there is still no single correct approach to determining the EI indicator and identifying its influence on the quality of life of an individual. This determines the relevance of research in this area of knowledge.
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