Keywords: individual typological features, temperament, character, abilities, efficiency of activity.


The article presents a theoretical look on the problem of the infusion of individual-typological features on the performance efficiency. It is reflected in science through some native and foreign scientific glances, so that they can be understood together. It is designated the main warehouse individual-typological features day and the efficiency of the activity inflow is given. The preliminaries relevance is amortized by the rapid pace development and life rhythm and the significant information technologies dynamism. It is the reason why people think of the human dignity of guilt of the species, mostly is very effective. The object of investigation is the interchange of individual-typological features and efficiency of professional performance. The subject of this work is an individual-typological specialty. The aim of the article is an analysis of current of native and foreign scientists’ works, directed to the efficiency specialties development. It is also the designation and storage of such individual-typological features as temperament, character and health, as well as the perspectives for the future. The environment is attributed to an understanding of an individual people’s style, who, behind their dynamic features, appeal to the individual temperament. The area of praxeology has been developed, as it has taken the openness of efficiency in other spheres of activity. The understanding of efficiency is seen as the main warehouse assessment of the professional performance success. It is presented the value of the efficiency and the complex characteristics of professional performance, which is rotated in the most significant indicators and determined by the integral people powers as a special feature. It is summarized that the effectiveness of the specialty in professional activity is rich, consequently it is determined by the individual-typological features variety appeared in temperament, character, health, and professionalism. The investigating perspective in this direction is to carry out an empirical research of the individual-typological features influence on the efficiency of performance.


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