Keywords: personality, addictive behavior, eating disorders, determinants of addictive behavior, stress, emotional discomfort.


In the conditions of modern social and social transformations, various manifestations of addictive behavior, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, eating disorders and others, have significantly increased.The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of development of the problem of dependent behavior of the individual and the selection of the main socio-personal determinants of this phenomenon. It is shown that the specifics of modern social life of the individual, psycho-emotional loads, incomplete and individual problems and other aspects of subjective space provoke states of internal tension and discomfort, significantly increase the constant psychological pressure felt by the subject, which is realized in violations eating behavior. The purpose of the article is to consider the main approaches to dependent personality behavior. In today’s world, the problem of addictive behavior is one of the most difficult and difficult for society. It is extremely important for every state to have such a community, which would consist of people who are developed, intelligent, have goals and understand how to achieve them. Summarizing the scientific material on different types of addictive behavior, we can, firstly, divide them into socially acceptable and socially unacceptable types, and secondly, chemical and non-chemical, noting that food addiction occupies an intermediate place. Analyzing the existing scientific material, we can say that addictive behavior is not only a purely medical, but also a social and cultural problem of modern society. In today’s world, the problem of addictive behavior is one of the most difficult and difficult for society. It is extremely important for every state to have such a community, which would consist of people who are developed, intelligent, have goals and understand how to achieve them. Summarizing the scientific material on different types of addictive behavior, we can, firstly, divide them into socially acceptable and socially unacceptable types, and secondly, chemical and non-chemical, noting that food addiction occupies an intermediate place. Analyzing the existing scientific material, we can say that addictive behavior is not only a purely medical, but also a social and cultural problem of modern society.


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