• T. P. Repnova
Keywords: psychological culture, ethically enriched environment, principles, consolidation, self-development, self-regulation, self-actualization.


The ethically enriched environment in an educational institution involves following the moral and legal norms of behavior by students, scientific and pedagogical workers in interpersonal relationships, and in relations with the surrounding world, the normalization of the rules of conduct. In this context, the increase of psychological culture manifests itself both at the social level and at the individual personal level, and includes: understanding of oneself as a person, awareness of his place among people, the formation of reflection skills, taking into account the needs and interests of others, solving problems in a constructive way, following cultural norms. The subject of our study was the problem of the introduction of ethical principles in the educational process in a higher educational institution in order to increase the standards of psychological culture of students and teachers, psychologization of training in terms of studying the disciplines of the humanities cycle in various specialties. Such social aspirations were declared in the Code of Ethics of the student and teacher of the Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. The purpose of this code is to establish in the educational activity of a student and a scientific and pedagogical worker of moral and ethical values and norms on the principles of humanity, tolerance, respect for the dignity of each person, academic integrity, confidentiality, trust, activity, cooperation, courtesy and responsibility. Subsequently, students and teachers of the institute passed a special training on the use of ethical behavior skills in educational activities. Teaching subjects of the humanitarian cycle, enriched with the ethical principles of the educational institution, showed an increase in the level of student activity in independent work on the subject, promotion of active employment of students in public life institute. To the psychological and pedagogical influences during training and social interaction of students and teachers, in turn, on the individual level of the student’s personality contributed to raising the level of their self-development, self-regulation, self-determination, self-actualization — the main components of psychological culture. Further research requires the question of psychological diagnosis and correction of the psychological culture of the individual, as well as the improvement of the skills of teachers in problem courses.


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