Recently, several types of animalistic subcultures have been gaining popularity among young people and teenagers, one of which, namely quadrobers, caused very active discussions on the network during the past month. The purpose of the article was to get to know these subcultures, find out the social origins of its emergence, and to propose ways of interacting with representatives of new subcultures, comparing the social causes of its emergence with possible consequences for society. From our point of view, the main trends that could affect the rapid spread of this type of subculture are the change in the social status of animals in the modern world, social infantilization, and a keen sense of global threats to humanity as a whole. Therefore, in addition to the traditional methods of interaction with representatives of various subcultures accumulated in the social sciences, it is suggested to pay attention to the removal of acute sensations and experiences of these trends in the modern world, which can be useful both in individual counseling of representatives of subcultures and their parents, and in the directions of educational work with the younger generation.
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