In today's world, social networks have become an integral part of everyday life, influencing various aspects of human activity. They change the ways of communication, form new social ties and influence the worldview of the individual. The purpose of this article is to study the influence of social networks on the formation of a person's worldview and interpersonal relationships. The author seeks to identify both positive and negative consequences of using social platforms in the context of social interaction. The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive analysis of the influence of social networks on the psychological state of the individual and their role in the transformation of traditional forms of communication. The study includes empirical data obtained through the diagnosis of social roles and relationships, which allows for a deeper understanding of changes in interpersonal relationships. The results of the study indicate that social networks have a significant impact on the formation of worldviews, contributing to both the development of new forms of communication and the emergence of social isolation. It is important to be aware of these changes in order to effectively use social platforms in everyday life.
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