Keywords: social worker, social inclusion, vulnerability, training, martial law, rehabilitation


The article analyzes the regulatory basis for the implementation of social inclusion, identifies important international and domestic normative documents that are necessary for the familiarization of future specialists in the social field during their professional training for the relevant field of professional activity. The purpose of the article: to outline the content and features of the training of future specialists in the social field for the implementation of social inclusion and the implementation of social rehabilitation supporting practices in the conditions of new social challenges. The scientific novelty consists in the clarification of the essence of the concepts "social rehabilitation in the conditions of new social challenges" and "social rehabilitation in the conditions of inclusion", the identification of theoretical foundations and effective practices in the introduction of social inclusion in the conditions of modern social challenges, as well as the identification of vulnerable groups of clients in the conditions of war in Ukraine and determining the main directions in the professional training of social sector specialists for social rehabilitation work with them. Research conclusions: the specifics and strategic guidelines for the organization of the activities of social sector specialists for the implementation of social inclusion in the conditions of modern social challenges are determined, the normative foundations of the provision of social rehabilitation services are analyzed, as well as the main directions of professional training of future social sector specialists for the implementation of social inclusion in the conditions of martial law. The experience of public sector specialists in the implementation of interesting projects and tools that contribute to the development of social inclusion in modern conditions is analyzed, as well as the specifics of the formation of a culture of inclusiveness in educational institutions and the community and the role of social sector specialists in this process. The educational elements that ensured the formation of professional readiness of future specialists in the social sector for social rehabilitation work with vulnerable categories of clients in various socio-cultural environments at three interdependent levels (individual, community, system) on the basis of social inclusion in the conditions of martial law were highlighted.


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