The article highlights the system of work for the formation of future educators’ leadership position, which is implemented in all types of activities during professional training in a higher education institution. The leadership position of future educators is defined as a system of attitudes that is formed in relation to the world, other people, themselves and professional activity and provides a stable orientation to be the one who leads and inspires, is a guide for students. Such position is manifested in leadership behavior and activity in the field of education. The purpose, methodological foundations, as well as the content of the system of work for the formation of leadership position of future teachers, psychologists and social educators as specialists of the psychological service of the education system have been revealed. The possibilities of educational, practical, research, public, volunteer and self-educational activities for the formation of future educators’ leadership position have been highlighted. The directions of work for the development of leadership psychological constructs in the conditions of socio-psychological training are determined. These directions correspond to the identified factors (self-possession and volitional self-control; high creativity and decision-making effectiveness; excellent appearance and image; reserved empathy) and psychological predictors (readiness to act in risky situations, developed imagination, positive acceptance of uncertainty, developed cognitive, emotional and volitional control, healthy narcissism, event and existential self -possession, as well as self-esteem associated with the effectiveness of actions, the success of social relations and appearance) of the formation of future educators’ leadership position. It is emphasized that the need for the formation of a leadership position of future educators, their creative mastery of the roles of a teacher, educator, trainer, coach, facilitator – puts high demands on teachers of higher pedagogical education institutions, who themselves must possess developed leadership qualities, select content, effective forms and methods of work for the formation of professional competence and leadership potential of future specialists in the field of education.
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