A broad definition of national identity is proposed. It is noted that the sense of belonging to the national "we", the feeling of a common destiny promotes the solidarity of fellow citizens, facilitates the socially oriented redistribution of resources, provides motivation for joint actions and the achievement of national goals. Three models of national identity are outlined – with a preference for a civil, ethnic, or religious component. Ethnic, religious and civil components can be combined in various ratios and contradictions. The functions, features of the formation and changes of established common beliefs as a component of national identity have been clarified. National-level beliefs are defined as collectively supported ideas about the world and ethical views, valuable and emotionally significant for compatriots, which relate to topics and problems important to them, and also contribute to their positive self-esteem. The signs of established beliefs of the national community have been clarified. (duration, national scale of distribution, presence in cultural products, etc.). It is argued that the transformation of beliefs is caused by large-scale events, in particular threatening ones, and the change of deeply rooted shared beliefs implies a change in the meaning of national identity. Threats to the country can be classified as external, internal, global. The existential threat is interpreted as threatening its existence and, accordingly, problematizing the existence of the national identity associated with it. It is argued that shared beliefs and national identity can be militarized to varying degrees; it is manifested in the dominance of certain beliefs and feelings. A number of beliefs that make up the narrative of forced militarism are singled out. In the conditions of an existential threat, these beliefs are represented in the minds of citizens, and they are also broadcast in the education system in the process of forming the national identity of schoolchildren.
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