Keywords: social accommodation, forced migrants, adaptation, emotional state, social isolation


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of some psychological components of forced migrants. Forced migration is often accompanied by the loss of material resources, social roles, and familiar surroundings, which can cause serious changes in the emotional and cognitive spheres of an individual. Examining these changes allows us to better understand what resources help resettlers maintain resilience, regain social activity, and integrate into a new society. In addition, the relevance of the study of the identity of forced migrants is reinforced by the need to develop effective programs of psychological support and social integration. The study of this phenomenon makes it possible to determine the most vulnerable groups of immigrants, as well as those factors that contribute to or hinder successful adaptation. Understanding the personal and sociocultural determinants helps to develop support strategies based on the personal resources, experiences and needs of the displaced. Coping with these challenges is possible through the introduction of new scientific categories that allow a deeper dive into this problem field. Such an innovative category is the social accommodation of forced migrants from Ukraine during the war. It is a complex and lengthy process that requires complex support from the state, international organizations and local communities. Successful social accommodation depends on many factors, among which access to resources, psychological support and creation of favorable conditions for social integration are crucial. Important psychological components of social accommodation are socio-psychological adaptation and the emotional state of people who have been forced to relocate. It was reported that despite state and public support, Ukrainians feel an insufficient level of adaptation. Among the main problems, social isolation, limited opportunities to communicate with likeminded people, the language barrier, as well as insufficient sense of security are often mentioned. The analysis of the obtained data revealed the following psychological features among forced Ukrainian migrants: emotional discomfort, difficulty in perceiving others, ambivalent attitude towards the new environment, low energy level, significant fatigue, as well as high level of anxiety and worry. Forced migrants state that they have a lack of attention, impaired memory, and emotional prejudices as the main psychological problems. Despite this, some of them show the ability for selfdevelopment and effective coping with stressful situations. Stressors for IDPs include the unpredictability, spontaneity, uncertainty, and trauma associated with migration due to the Russian invasion.


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