This article examines the dynamics of functioning of such psychological personality characteristics as negative emotional states, in particular: anxiety, stress, depression and self-esteem in adulthood. Modern theoretical concepts of Ukrainian and foreign scientists regarding the level of formation of self-esteem in early adulthood and its influence on the manifestation of anxiety symptoms are analyzed. The interrelationship of these psychological phenomena is studied and the degree of their interaction is determined. The research sample consists of 26 people aged 20 to 40, including 13 men and 13 women. A diagnostic stage was conducted, the purpose of which was to establish the relationship between self-esteem and the manifestation of depressive and anxiety states in early adulthood. The diagnosis of the respondents made it possible to single out the main factors affecting the formation of the level and nature of negative emotional states and self-esteem. The following key criteria for the formation of self-esteem are highlighted: evaluation by others, the results of one's own activities and the ratio of the real ideal «I». On their basis, the levels of self-esteem, as well as the formation of the level of personal and situational anxiety in early adulthood, were determined. The relationship between a low level of anxiety and low self-esteem was studied. A correlation analysis was conducted between anxiety indicators (according to the Spielberger-Hanin method) and the level of self-esteem (according to the S. Budassi method). It has been proven that there is a correlation between the level of personal and situational anxiety and self-esteem in early adulthood. Directions for further research on this subject have been developed.
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