Keywords: “delayed life syndrome”, formation, model, determinants, symptoms, behavioral patterns, consequences, war


During times of war, people are increasingly faced with thoughts of a happy “after”. Awareness of future uncertainty intensifies the experience of “delayed life syndrome”, which generally leads to dissatisfaction with one's own life. The purpose of the research is to develop a model for the formation of “delayed life syndrome” during wartime. The essence of the concept of “delayed life syndrome” is defined. This is a set of psychological symptoms and behavioral patterns associated with the expectation of a certain “turning point” after which life should change dramatically for the better. The main determinants of the formation of this syndrome are identified: stressful events of war; external locus of control; low self-esteem, perfectionism, anxiety, and fear of change; pessimistic worldview; immaturity of personality; rigidity. The main mechanisms are unrealized expectations, idealization of the future, and procrastination. The key determinants of the development of this syndrome are identified: guilt; apathy, anxiety, depression; uncertainty and fear of the future; a sense of loss of control over life; a sense of unfulfillment; focus on an “ideal” future; unconscious attitude of “enduring and waiting”; a tendency to think negatively about oneself; a subjective sense of unhappiness. Behavioral patterns are as follows: constant postponement of important decisions; planning without realizing intentions; avoidance of changes and responsibility for one's life; refusal to enjoy pleasure and joy in the present. It has been found that prolonged deep experience of the “delayed life syndrome” can lead to the following consequences: deterioration in the quality of life; social isolation; loss of productivity; exhaustion of the nervous system; anhedonia as an inability to enjoy; development of PTSD; formation of false priorities; loss of the meaning of life, time and opportunities; devaluation of one's own achievements. The model of the formation of the “delayed life syndrome” is represented by the following relationships: determinants contribute to the manifestation of symptoms that are consolidated through repeated patterns of behavior due to formation mechanisms, which leads to significant negative consequences. Throughout the entire process of formation of this syndrome, defense mechanisms of the psyche can be actualized.


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