Keywords: social work, social service, social adaptation, social therapy, art therapy, training, social work with children, IDP children, children from among internally displaced persons, sustainable development


The article is devoted to the study of financial, legal and substantive features to introduce the elements of art therapy in the provision of social services for social adaptation to the target group of children from among internally displaced persons. The article examines the regulatory framework that forms the standards for working with children in general and internally displaced children in particular. The approaches to understanding the essence of social therapy, its pedagogical aspect, as well as the prerequisites for the use of art therapy exercises in their context are studied. The formulated conclusions were supported by the practical results of art therapy sessions with children from among internally displaced persons in a preschool education institution in Sumy region, and the peculiarities of using art therapy exercises to accelerate the process of their social adaptation were demonstrated. The positive assessment received from the specialists of the institution and the high results give reason to believe that art therapy classes have not only a wide potential when working with this target group, but also provide opportunities for their implementation to provide social services of social adaptation to other target groups, in particular: unemployed people, people of retirement age, people suffering from professional burnout, people with disabili ties. The synchronous and asynchronous approaches, as well as the individual form and typical thematic training programs that can form the basis for improving existing approaches to the provision of social adaptation services were characterized. Special attention is paid to the role and prospects of art therapy in the context of sustainable development goals. The improvement possibilities for the art therapy exercises developed within the framework of the study by formulating tasks that not only contribute to the social adaptation of internally displaced children, but also stimulate them to solve everyday problems in view of sustainable development goals is considered. It is noted that such exercises can be adapted to work with other age groups: adolescents, young people, middle-aged and elderly people, which will serve additional educational purposes in social work with these target groups. Based on this, the author concludes that it is advisable to apply a combinatorial approach to the development of standard thematic training programs. In addition, the article outlines the prospects for increasing the accessibility of the social service of solo adaptation to recipients through further development of the functionality of the portal for the provision of public services “Diia” (asynchronous training opportunities) and the creation of certificate programs for training trainers on the basis of higher education institutions (synchronous opportunities).


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