Keywords: mood disorders, mental health, post-COVID syndrome, pandemic, personality


The article is devoted to the study of mood disorders in patients with post-COVID syndrome. Disorders of the nervous system that developed during COVID-19 do not go away without a trace and can last indefinitely due to structural changes in the brain caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Post-COVID syndrome is detected in more than 30% of patients who have suffered from COVID-19. Mental health problems are considered among the main consequences of COVID-19. The purpose of the article is to analyze and empirically investigate mood disorders associated with post-COVID syndrome based on the analysis of available scientific sources and our own data. Based on the results of an empirical study, it was determined that patients with post-COVID syndrome were prone to depressive experiences, as well as various mental and psychological disorders both during treatment and for a long time after the acute phase of the disease. It was foundthat moderate and high levels of anxiety are also more common among women. Social activity in people with post-COVID syndrome is preserved. The inverse correlation is determined with the degree of anxiety and the level of depression, and the direct correlation is determined with the indicator of vital activity. At the end of the article, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given to prevent the occurrence of mood disorders in this category of patients.


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