Keywords: adolescence and youth, phubbing, smartphone addiction, Internet addiction, Internet, digital technologies, cyberspac, narcissism, emotional component, prevention and psychocorrection of nonchemical addictions, smartphone


In the modern era of digital technologies, smartphones have become an integral part of everyday life, especially among the younger generation. At the same time, the problem of excessive use of mobile devices has increased, which contributes to the emergence of new types of non-chemical addictions, such as phubbing, which manifests itself in the excessive use of smartphones during real communication. The aim of the work was to study the emotional component of phubbing among teenagers and young men. Research methods: bibliographic (analysis, systematization, theoretical data and literary sources), historical (study of the emergence, formation and development of the concept). Four psychodynamic theories are distinguished in the work. Heinz Kogut’s theory, which drew a parallel between chemical and non-chemical addiction (addiction to drugs and smartphones) as a way to fill emotional hunger and compensate for psychological deficits arising from traumatic experiences or deficiencies in personality development. D. Winnicott’s “transitional object” theory, which describes a transitional object as a symbolic object or action that helps a child move from a sense of separation to independence. K. Rybak’s “digital umbilical cord” theory, which depicts the close connection between a child, their mobile phone and their parents through a technological tool that symbolizes the connection between them. Mentalization theory P. Fonagy, which emphasizes the importance of face-to-face contact for normal personality development, noting that technology can hinder this by separating us and reducing the opportunity to develop empathy and social skills. These theories represent different approaches to understanding the psychological aspects of dependence on technology and communication in modern society. They provide unique perspectives and new perspectives on the issue, contributing to a deeper understanding of the impact ofdigital technologies on our relationships and mental health.


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