In the modern world, where technology determines our everyday life, the problems of addiction to cyberspace take on new forms, in addition to gadget addiction, selfies, computer addiction, Internet surfing, new forms appear: phubbing and nomophobia. The emergence of new forms of non-chemical addictive behavior actualizes the issue of their theoretical and experimental study. This work is dedicated to the scientific and theoretical analysis of a wide range of issues related to human health in the context of technological transformations of society and changes in cultural paradigms associated with virtual reality and modern digital technologies. The historicalphilosophical, social, psychological and medical aspects of the influence of new forms of cyber addictions: phubbing and nomophobia on human health are considered. Both nosoforms interact and deepen, defining a new spectrum of challenges for mental health and social relations of the modern individual. According to recent research, phubbing and nomophobia can contribute to the development of stress, anxiety and depression. Moreover, they can have a negative impact on sleep quality, academic and professional performance, and emotional regulation. Therefore, the issues of experimental research, the identification of determinants, the development and implementation of programs aimed at the prevention of phubbing and nomophobia, with the aim of creating a more balanced and healthier attitude towards technology in the modern world, become urgent.
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