Keywords: cultural identification, youth, factors of cultural identification, psychological t


The relevance of the study of regional peculiarities of cultural identification of young people is due to the awareness of the existing problem of adaptation and integration of both internally displaced persons to other socio-cultural traditions and the “indigenous” population of the regions to new living conditions and the need to find ways and means of environmental assistance to these processes. The question of the resources of influence of the state educational policy on solving such issues as: the importance of taking into account the ethno-cultural characteristics of the population of different regions of Ukraine, with their identity and equality; the potential of uniting (rather than opposing) the multi-ethnic Ukrainian people into a nation; promoting integration into a single political nation while preserving the ethno-cultural identity of young people; meeting the interests of the individual, society and the state. The logic of constructing methodological tools for studying the regional peculiarities of cultural identification of students and pupils of Ukraine is outlined. It is determined that it involves several successive steps that follow from each other: allocation of psychological indicators of the study on the basis of theoretical analysis of scientific sources; their operationalization with the help of scales; construction of judgments (empirical indicators) that exhaustively reveal the content of each scale. The psychological indicators for assessing the regional peculiarities of youth cultural identification are outlined: 1) attitude to cultural values; 2) subjective relevance of national identity; 3) attitude to the rules and boundaries of acceptable interaction. The results of an empirical study are presented. Based on the results of the factor analysis, the main factors that determine the regional peculiarities of youth cultural identification are fined: emotional and value experience of connection with cultural traditions; appreciation – depreciation of the achievements and traditions of one’s own culture; modality of attitude towards own people.


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