The article analyzes the need for Ukrainian society to provide quality psychotherapeutic assistance to people who have been victims of the ongoing military aggression in Eastern Ukraine. This need is especially relevant for military personnel and veterans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, their families, internally displaced persons and volunteers who, after experiencing extremely traumatic events, face post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The author analyzes a number of specific factors that contribute to the development of PTS in military personnel, and effective methods of treatment are considered, taking into account the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of the military. The importance of timely diagnosis and a comprehensive approach to treatment, including psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and social support, is emphasized. The conclusions of the article emphasize the need for careful monitoring of the mental state of the military and the development of psychological support programs to prevent PTS. It is shown that understanding the causes and effective methods of treatment of PTS in military personnel is an important component of ensuring their physical and mental health after completion of service.
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10. Що слід знати про психоемоційні стани під час війни. URL: