Problem statement. The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the problem of emotional competence. It is shown that emotional competence is an important aspect of professional success. The formation and development of emotional competence of specialists allows them to achieve success in the professional sphere, and also allows to avoid psycho-emotional disorders and preserve mental health. Concepts of competence mainly focus on the mental processes that underlie the activity, on the knowledge that arises as a result of these processes and its organization, on conscious practice, or on talent or innate abilities. The processes that distinguish an expert from a novice include the following processes: planning, tracking, evaluation of problem solving, decision making. Experts and novices provide information differently; the former develop more complex strategies and activity monitoring than the latter. The success of professional activity also depends on personal qualities: a stable and positive system of relations with one's own inner and surrounding world, as well as the level of formation and development of emotional intelligence; specialists who better understand and manage their own emotions, adapt more easily to stressful and crisis conditions, are more proactive and responsible. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of emotional competence as the basis of professional success. Results of the research. Based on the above, we conclude that emotional competence can be considered as a psychological phenomenon that reflects the emotional maturity of an individual and summarizes the emotional, intellectual and regulatory components of the psyche involved in the process of achieving professional and personal goals. Emotional competence has such a significant impact on many aspects of a person's professional life and professional activities. The study of this problem helps to reveal the key mechanisms underlying professional success. The results of such studies can be used to develop education and training programs aimed at improving the emotional competence of employees, as well as to form a better understanding of how important it is to combine professional knowledge with the skills of effective interpersonal communication and interaction to achieve professional success.
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