Keywords: self-actualization, self-realization, self-improvement, internal potential, life design, implementation of the project


The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon of self-actualization and outlines its role in the life design of personality. A number of scientific approaches to the categories of «self-actualization» in psychological literature have been analyzed. The main motive of self-actualization is highlighted. It is the need for self-affirmation, which, in its turn, is inextricably linked with the higher needs of a person in self-expression and self-disclosure. The emphasis is on the differentiation of the terms «self-actualization» and «self-realization», on the subjective and objective basis of the individual existence. In the sense of «self-actualization» the reflection of the internal plan process is shown, and «self-realization» is mainly the process of external plan and objective. The conceptual position of self-actualization on the psychological level is described. It is marked as «the process of gradual deployment of the personal potential, the disclosure of the best qualities that are embodied in person by nature», that needs a specific direction. As a part of our research, the indicated function is performed with a highly congruent individual life project. On the basis of such research directions of the psychology of life as general psychological knowledge of axiopsychological design, psychology of life, thematic structurization of life, the life program of the individual, the life scenario and life-creation, the content and difference in the variant approaches to the understanding of the category of «life project» are defined. The project is a meaningful, logical powerful creative means of life organization and life-perfection that organizes, accompanies, supports and generally continues the process of self-actualization of the individual. The article also reveals the peculiarities of the interconnection of health and well-being of a person with the level of his personal self-actualization. We note that self-actualization is an individual psychological purpose of a projecting person.


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