The article reveals the socio-psychological content of the components of social responsibility of an individual. It is shown that the social responsibility of an individual is defined as a moral and value stable personal formation, which includes a strategy of social behavior of an individual, where the basis is a conscious attitude to voluntary, active performance of social roles, in accordance with one's actions and their consequences, values and norms of society, as well as ready to be responsible for the obtained result. It is emphasized that social responsibility is revealed in the following structural components: value-normative (sociocentric motivation, egocentric motivation, etc.), cognitive-informational (cognitive consciousness, awareness, etc.), affective-empathic (sthenic emotionality, asthenic emotionality, sincerity and etc.), organizational-communicative (dynamic ergicity, dynamic aergy, difficulties, etc.), result-active (object effectiveness, subject effectiveness, etc.), reflexive-prognostic (regulatory internality, regulatory externality, etc.). The conducted study of the components of social responsibility revealed the specificity of their interrelationships depending on the length of professional activity, as well as evidenced an increase in the level of responsibility to the level of hyperresponsibility. Professionally and socially responsible respondents are aware of themselves as a subject of activity, show social activity, initiative, control their educational and professional activities.
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