The development of professional identity should take into account self-development, which is directly related to professional development. Self-esteem is self-understanding and conscious assessment of one's own personality qualities, thoughts, words, and actions. Thus, self-esteem affects the effectiveness of one's own activities and the activities of other people, as well as overcoming difficulties in solving the set tasks. Mastering the structure of students' professional motivation and perception of motivation allows you to reasonably solve promotion problems, correctly navigate the choice of specialty, build a professional career, study remotely, and obtain the necessary knowledge for future work. In conditions of instability, this significantly affects the responsibility and desire to acquire education. The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical and methodological review of the state of development of the problem of the professional identity of personality. The phenomenon of "professional identity" is quite new in psychology, its purposeful study began at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when it became a question of a person's professional self-determination and the aspect of the attitude of the greatest was aimed at abilities, and not at the acquisition of knowledge. The personality goes through many stages of development and, accordingly, changes, both physiological and valuable, understands his abilities and chooses his profession more than once, which enables the personality to develop throughout his life. Each of these stages of personality development brings its own skills and understanding, forming a stable image of professional identity, i.e. the individual identifies himself with the future professional activity, sometimes changing the chosen profession radically, and this leads to the acquisition of new skills, but the process itself knowledge of personality, in our opinion, the most important process, especially in the current difficult time, almost every person is faced with a radical review of both his life and his professional activity.
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