Keywords: adaptation, migration, integration, personality, social environment,


The article notes that, despite a fairly wide study, the problem of researching the peculiarities of the psychological adaptation of emigrant children in modern conditions is gaining special relevance due to the war that is currently ongoing in Ukraine. Migration processes lead to the emergence of a whole set of problems, which are characterized by a certain specificity and require their immediate and detailed solution. In psychological science, the problem of adaptation of refugees and forced migrants has become widespread, but despite a fairly wide study, the problem of researching the peculiarities of the psychological adaptation of immigrant children in modern conditions is gaining special relevance. The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical and empirical study of the psychological features of children's adaptation in the conditions of war and emigration. Adaptation of immigrant children to the conditions of a new country depends on various factors, such as age, gender, previous experience of international mobility, level of support from relatives and social environment. Based on the conducted research, it is worth coming to the conclusion that the adaptation of children in conditions of emigration is a complex process that requires special attention and approach. Studies have shown that immigrant children have their own unique psychological characteristics associated with a change in environment, cultural context, and language situation. It is important to develop methodological approaches and tools to study and support the adaptation of these children, providing them with psychological support and resources for successful integration. A comparative analysis of emigrant children and children studying on the territory of Ukraine allows to understand the specifics of their development, to identify similar and different factors of adaptation that can be used to build effective programs and approaches in the field of education and psychological support.


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