Keywords: personality adaptation, adaptability, adaptive resources, criteria for the adaptability of personality resources, resource classification, viability, life crisis, adaptability factors, resilience, reintegration, cultural intelligence, ethnic identity.


The article is devoted to the analysis and systematization of the concepts "personality adaptation", "personality adaptation resources", "viability", "adaptation potential" that exist in psychological literature. An analysis of options for personal adaptation in war conditions is given, as well as various classifications of personal resources, their criteria and properties. The individual's own approach to understanding the phenomena of personal adaptation in the conditions of military conflict and personal adaptive resources is indicated. Factors of adaptability and possibilities of maximum formation of personal resources in the conditions of martial law are considered. One of the most important issues not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world based on the Ukrainian experience, is the research and development of adaptive resources of the individual in the conditions of martial law and in general in the conditions of the protection of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war and after it. Both domestic and foreign publications devoted to the topic of the analysis of the adaptive resources of the individual during the Russian-Ukrainian war are extremely few at the moment due to the lack of analogues of a similar situation in modern European life. That is why this issue is so unique both for the European space and for the entire international community. Both since 2014, and even more massively - since February 24, 2022, there is an incredible, very large, psychological and emotional burden not only on the entire Ukrainian society, but also on each individual person due to military actions on the territory of Ukraine. The main problem for every person in such conditions is the need to constantly strengthen personal resources in order to be able to adapt not only to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, but also to compensate for the feeling of a threat to one's life and loved ones every moment. After all, if a person had to save himself and his family, then he needed to evacuate from the place of hostilities, leaving all his property, household, or move to the safest places in his native Ukraine (although there was still a periodic air raid and the threat of Russian missile strike) or emigrate to other countries that support Ukraine, or for some time be forced to live under conditions of temporary occupation by Russian troops.


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