The relevance of studying the phenomenon of procrastination and its causes is constantly increasing In connection with the development and acceleration of scientific and technical progress. Modern society is oriented towards achievements. A person is constantly in the conditions of fulfilling obligations, which require compliance with deadlines. Issues of personal effectiveness, achievement of success and well-being are especially important. But staying in these conditions is increasingly reduced to procrastination, a phenomenon that becomes an obstacle to personal and professional effectiveness. The above forms the high interest of the scientific community to the study of the phenomenon of procrastination. The article highlights the phenomenon of procrastination - a great psychological phenomenon that focuses not only on violations of the emotional and volitional sphere of the individual or psychological defenses. The article is also filled with a meaningful analysis of types of procrastination (domestic, that is, daily; neurotic; academic; compulsive) and consideration of their specific features. The determinants of procrastination and its serious consequences, which are traced as a certain psychological state, are considered: stress, a strong decrease in motivation, an obsessive sense of guilt, loss of productivity, and a decrease in self-esteem. It was revealed that the problem lies in the negative consequences of procrastination on a person's professional activity, on a decrease in personal productivity, work capacity, which is manifested in an acute emotional experience of personal failure and dissatisfaction with one's own work, as well as one's own results in the professional environment. Being as a stable model of behavior, procrastination is quite difficult to correct, the work will be effective only if the cause of the problem is determined and a person realizes what internal resources and potential he has.
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